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Deal of the Month

20% Off Most Ogee Router Bits

Nothing Says "Happy Holidays" Like Router Bits!

Infinity Cutting Tools |

Infinity Cutting Tools sells thousands of woodworking products, but as many folks know, we're built on router bits. Because of this, it's appropriate to share some of our most popular bits in time for holiday gift giving. This list only touches on the bits we have available, but our entire collection can be found here

Multi-Profile Router Bits 

Multi-profile router bits can mill an amazing variety of elegant shapes by simply changing the fence position, router bit height, or the number of passes. A single cut from a molding router bit is sufficient for many jobs, or you can take multiple passes to produce moldings as diverse as casing or a tiny bullnose. Like all of our router bits, these cutters are manufactured to the tightest tolerances using the most advanced 5-axis computerized grinding centers. This ensures optimum clearance angles along the entire cutting edge, which results in a clean, burn-free cut that requires little to no sanding.

The set includes our (Large & Traditional Molding Router Bits 55-901 & 55-902),  Classical Router Bit (56-501) and our Multi-Profile Router Bit (56-802). 

CNC Router Bit Set

This unique CNC Router Bit set includes nine of the most commonly used router bits for your CNC. Create beautifully detailed carvings, signs, and intricate joinery on your CNC machine in wood, plastics, and soft metals. With a combination of Straight, Spiral, O-flute, Ball nose, and V bits, this set is perfect for anyone just getting into CNC work or for the professional looking to stock up on high-quality bits at a great price.

Edge-Forming Bits

We've designed a general purpose router bit set for the woodworker who demands both quality and value. If you're looking for a high-quality bit set that will give you the best bang for your buck while giving you the most useful cutters in the shop, look no further. Packaged in our attractive wood case, this 7-piece professional router bit set will be your trusty companion, providing you with years of loyal cutting service.

This set goes beyond the basics by offering all 1/2" shank quality bits with larger cutting profiles along with the essential basic bits. Great for edge profile work with roundover, cove and chamfer bits. For joinery, we've provided a cove and roundover bit that can be used to create a drop-leaf joint. The rabbeting bit with multiple bearings is used for joinery, cabinet construction and more. Work with veneer and pattern work using the flush trim and top-bearing straight bit. 

Mega Flush Trim Router Bits

We’ve designed our exclusive Mega Flush Trim bits to give you the smoothest finish and longest life in your toughest router applications. Each bit features unique spiral geometry and quality manufacturing that stands up to heavy-duty use in the workshop or the job site, you won't find a cleaner cutting flush trim router bit anywhere.

These bits feature four individually brazed carbide tips in a compression (upcut /downcut) design to eliminate chipping and tearout at the top and bottom of the material. Perfect for your prized hardwood, melamine and delicate veneered plywood. Top and bottom bearings allow for template and pattern routing as well as flush-trim applications.

Essential Joinery Router Bit Set

Don't be confused by the 'gagillion' bit sets on the market. Those router bit sets will not last as long as our premium quality cutters and often times they just end up being a big waste of money. If you want a versatile set of bits without breaking the bank this new 10-Piece Essential General Purpose Router Bit Set has got you covered.

But don't take our word for it, in issue #186 of Fine Woodworking Magazine, author Gary Rogowski recommends the 'Ten Essential Router Bits' and says, "I don't claim that these bits will be the only ones you'll ever need, but they will create a rock-solid, versatile foundation for routing that can be expanded as your woodworking repertoire expands." And since there is no better way to break a prized router bit collection than to store loose bits in a drawer, we're also including our large custom wood box to safely store your bit set for years of service!

Downcut Spiral Bit Set for Plywood Dado Cuts

We've got the right diameter spiral router bits for your next project using undersized plywood. Modern plywood is almost always made in metric thicknesses that are slightly thinner than the Imperial sized router bits most companies offer. This creates a problem for many woodworkers when trying to create tight-fitting dadoes and grooves. To eliminate this problem we offer solid carbide downcut Spiral router bits in 6mm (~¼"), 12mm (~½"), and now 18mm (~¾"). These bits produce the correct size groove for plywood and the downcut geometry produces a clean, splinter-free cut even in the most delicate or expensive veneers. Working in solid wood or other types of man-made sheet goods like MDF? These solid carbide cutters are ready to handle the most demanding jobs and will outlast traditional braised cutters.

Whatever your router bit needs, we've got the holiday options ready to ship!