Why are certain items excluded from our sales?
When we set our prices, we aim to offer you the best deal possible. However, some products come with restrictions on promotions and discounts set by the manufacturer. These rules apply equally to all retailers, not just us. We do our best to work within these guardrails to bring you the lowest prices, but ultimately we have to respect the manufacturers' guidelines. Rest assured that the price you see is the rock-bottom rate we can offer at this time. We know it can be frustrating when an item you want doesn't qualify for a sitewide sale. Please know that we want to discount it just as much as you want us to, but we are obligated to follow the manufacturers' terms. We appreciate you understanding that our hands are tied in these situations. Our goal remains to provide you with maximum value whenever we can.
What do the terms "MAP Restricted" and "Covered by MAP" mean?
- MAP stands for Minimum Advertised Price.
- If a product is MAP Restricted or Covered by MAP, that means that the lowest possible price has been set by the manufacturer and NO COMPANY, including us, are allowed to discount the product below that price.
Manufacturer Policies
- Current non-discontinued products are MAP enforced.
Coupons, Offers & Promotions – Other Limitations
- Just a few friendly reminders: these discounts can only be used on in-stock items, and not on taxes, shipping, gift cards, etc. Also, a small selection of items from certain brands are excluded based on the brands' own rules.