Stop Wasting Valuable Shop Space!
Most woodworkers would love to have a stand-alone router table system in their shop but until now, not everyone has had the space. Our exclusive Table Saw Router Table Packages give you a full-featured router station without taking up another square inch of your shop! While using the existing footprint of your table saw, you'll sacrifice nothing in functionality or quality, and you'll be giving your workspace a major upgrade.
Just need the Top & Stand?
If you're looking for the same high-quality tabletops or router table stand found in our Table Saw Router Table Systems (TSRP-029 or TSRP-047), but don’t need the entire package, you're in the right place! You can purchase the tabletops, with or without the stand or just the stand on its own if you’re building a custom tabletop. Just choose the components that work for you.
(TSRT-029) – 27” x 29” Table Saw Router Table w/stand
This package includes the 27” x 29” Table Saw Router Table along with the (TSRT-LEGS) Table Saw Router Table legs.
(TSRT-047) – 27” x 47” Table Saw Router Table w/stand
This package includes the 27” x 47” Table Saw Router Table along with the (TSRT-LEGS) Table Saw Router Table legs.
All tables accept standard 9-1/4" x 11-3/4" router lifts and insert plates.
Available in Three Different Package Options
Unlock your woodworking potential with our space saving table saw router packages, available in three expertly designed configurations! Choose the ultimate setup that meets your needs today!