Infinity Tools Anti-Kickback 3-Wing Slot Cutters Produce Perfect Cuts In Hard & Softwood
Our three-wing slot cutters cut rabbets or grooves, slot for biscuits, mill tongue and groove stock or rout grooves for T-molding. Out slot cutter router bits with arbors also include our 5/16" x 7/8" bearing (BR-105) which allows for a standard 1/2" depth of cut.
Tech Specs:
- Inside Diameter 5/16"
- Outside Diameter 1-7/8"
- Depth of Cut 1/2"
If you would like to cut additional depths, visit our Router Bearings Page and pick up the following:
- For 3/8" Depth of Cut: 1-1/8" diam. bearing (BR-116)
- For 5/16" Depth of Cut: 1-1/4" diam. bearing (BR-117)
- For 1/4" Depth of Cut: 1-3/8" diam. bearing (BR-118)
Gluing up a curved edge is tricky. Adding a spline to align the two halves makes things much easier, but a curvy spline!? No worries!
Infinity Tools anti-kickback 3-wing slot cutters are designed for optimal performance and results when you’re milling slots.
And they’ll follow any edge at any depth, for a perfect, and beautiful, joint.
Switching cutters and bearings for the best performance is a simple task. Choose either a ½” or ¼” arbor, then select the cutter thickness preferred. Select the correct diameter bearing for your slot depth, and assemble.
Infinity slot cutters are perfect for milling biscuit slots, or for making grooves that require a specific start and stop point. Best of all is having the ability to mill grooves in curved faces.
Go beyond just straight-line table saw cuts and lay grooves into curves, for decorative features or even to accommodate curved loose tenons for ornamental joinery. Infiinity’s slot cutters will open worlds of possibilities for ornamental features or specialty joinery.