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Deal of the Month

20% Off Most Ogee Router Bits

SKU: 91-521

Broca para ranurar rieles y montantes de 1/2" de Infinity Tools, 1 pieza

4 Reviews

Compre 3 o más brocas para enrutador y reciba un 15 % de descuento cada una.
El descuento se aplica automáticamente en el carrito.

Esta fresa combinada para rieles y montantes simplifica realmente la construcción de puertas de gabinetes. En lugar de cambiar las fresas entre los cortes de rieles y montantes, se levanta o se baja la fresa para alinear la parte correcta del perfil. ¡Puede hacer todos los cortes de rieles y montantes sin mover la guía de la mesa de fresado!

Incluye bloque de instalación gratuito.

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Balachanthiran C. Verified Customer   

Very nice Item , And perfect cutting

Keith S. Verified Customer   

I am abled to get very precise cuts and excellent fitting joints.

Christopher P. Verified Customer   

I’m still waiting for this. Last I heard it was back ordered. To date, I haven’t received it yet. But when I get it, I’ll be happy to review and rate it

Questions & Answers
Popular Questions

6 months ago
Some other company's one piece bits require you run the rails face up and the stiles face down or vice versa. Please clarify for this bit (#91-521), thank you! Also, do these bits come in other profiles? See more »
6 months ago
Please reference the video above; it details how the workpiece is oriented for the Infinity Tools 1/2" Shank 1-Pc. Rail & Stile Router Bit. Also, this specific bit is available only in this profile and not in any other profiles.
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5 years ago
I'm trying to find a good Rail and stile Router To match garage door built in the 80s can you help me See more »
5 years ago
Depending on the door itself you would need to look at either our rail and stile sets for cabinet doors, or our sets for interior/exterior doors. We have several profiles available for each.
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4 years ago
I see you sell both the 91 521 router bit that cuts both the rails and styles and also a pair of bits; one that does just the rails, and the second bit that does the styles. I am new at this so I need a little help choosing which bit or bits to buy for my first attempt at a cabinet door. See more »
4 years ago
The 1-Pc. rail and stile bit is our most economical option and does a great job. The 2-Pc. sets have the advantages of being available in several profiles. We also offer accessory kits for our 2-pc. sets to adjust the groove for undersized plywood panels and to make glass panel doors.
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6 years ago
Wondering if you ever have problems with these multiple stacked cutter sets where the some of the cutters do not turn a circle square with shaft? I have bought sets from another company. on both sets the top cutter on the stile cutter is not square with shaft, the 1/8" cutter actually cuts a 5/32" trough, this same cutter also cuts the surface the glass rests on making the fit so loose impossible to use. Kind of expect and seen this with cheap china sets but surprised to find it in a name brand set and wondering if this method of stacking is common to have problems like this. See more »
6 years ago
Many of our router bits are made from a stack of multiple cutters. including our rail and stile sets. You should expect a 1/4" cutter to cut a 1/4" groove. Taking into account any variables that may be present in the entire system, including router table, router bearings, collet, and human variable, I would expect the cut to be accurate to within a few thousandths of an inch for any infinity router bit. If you do your part Any router bit should be very accurate. except under very rare circumstances I would expect one of the variables listed above to be the cause of inaccuracy in any of our router bits, shaper cutters or saw blades.
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