Have you had issues with stacked cutter sets not being square? I’ve seen uneven cuts and loose fits. Is this common?
Broca para ranurar rieles y montantes de 1/2" de Infinity Tools, 1 pieza
Wondering if you ever have problems with these multiple stacked cutter sets where the some of the cutters do not turn a circle square with shaft? I have bought sets from another company. on both sets the top cutter on the stile cutter is not square with shaft, the 1/8" cutter actually cuts a 5/32" trough, this same cutter also cuts the surface the glass rests on making the fit so loose impossible to use. Kind of expect and seen this with cheap china sets but surprised to find it in a name brand set and wondering if this method of stacking is common to have problems like this.
Open Nov 12, 2018 - 06:06 PM
Nov 12, 2018 - 08:15 PM
Many of our router bits are made from a stack of multiple cutters. including our rail and stile sets. You should expect a 1/4" cutter to cut a 1/4" groove. Taking into account any variables that may be present in the entire system, including router table, router bearings, collet, and human variable, I would expect the cut to be accurate to within a few thousandths of an inch for any infinity router bit. If you do your part Any router bit should be very accurate. except under very rare circumstances I would expect one of the variables listed above to be the cause of inaccuracy in any of our router bits, shaper cutters or saw blades.
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