If I hadn't seen it myself, I wouldn't have believed it. Andrew was out in our shop the other day preparing to shoot another video for our Rail & Stile Combination Shaper Cutterhead. He needed to make some new MDF fence faces for the shaper since the old ones were kind of chewed up and rather ratty looking.

The fences are made of two layers of 3/4" MDF. Andrew glued the two layers and added a few screws to keep the layers from shifting with the wet glue. After trimming the fences to their final size, Andrew decided to make a cove cut on the back side of the fences that are near the cutterhead. This is to provide more clearance for the cutterhead when using the shaper. He used the Infinity Tools 3/4"-rad. Cove Router Bit. You can see the cove in the background of the photo below.

You my have guessed by now what happened. As Andrew was making these cove cuts on the router table, he forgot about the screws he used to secure the layers of MDF. As he made the cut, it was pretty obvious when he hit the screw. But you know what? The router bit cut cleanly through the screw and continued making a smooth cove cut.
I examined the router bit and you can just barely make out where the micro-grain carbide cutting edges contacted the steel screw. To see if this affected the quality of cut, we made a pass through a cherry workpiece. You can see the results below. There's no evidence of any damage to the cutting edges. The router bit cut as cleanly as a brand new bit.

To me, this is a testimony to the quality of Infinity Tools router bits. The extra-thick carbide and design of the steel body of the bit make for a smooth-cutting router bit. Now, I certainly don't recommend intentionally cutting metal with router bits. And, of course, Infinity Tools can't replace your bit if it's damaged when cutting into metal. But it's nice to know that the Infinity Tools router bits can stand up to occasional, accidental abuse and keep on working.