7-Pc. Professional Router Bit Set
We've designed a general purpose router bit set for the woodworker who demands both quality and value. If you're looking for a high-quality bit set that will give you the best bang for your buck while giving you the most useful cutters in the shop, look no further. Packaged in our attractive wood case, this 7-piece professional router bit set will be your trusty companion, providing you with years of loyal cutting service.

The Professional Router Bit Set goes beyond the basics by offering all 1/2" shank quality bits with larger cutting profiles along with the essential basic bits. Great for edge profile work with roundover, cove and chamfer bits. For joinery, we've provided a cove and roundover bit that can be used to create a drop-leaf joint. The rabbeting bit with multiple bearings is used for joinery, cabinet construction and more. Work with veneer and pattern work using the flush trim and top-bearing straight bit.

A great variety of creativity out of a simple 7-piece router bit set, all stored in an attractive wood case. For most of your woodworking needs, the 7-Pc. Professional Router Bit Set has you covered!