Roundover & Beading Router Bits
Our Roundover and Beading router bits give you lots of profiles. In the Roundover configuration they produce a smooth radius that is ideal for the exposed edges of furniture, molding, table edges and shelves. Take two passes and you can quickly produce your own double-round or bull nose molding. Add our Beading Conversion Kit, to produce an extra inset bead along the lower edge of the cut.

The roundover router bit is probably the most common profile of router bit there is. Roundovers are used to soften the edges of sharp corners on just about any type of project imaginable. Did you know you can get even more use out of an Infinity Tools roundover bit by installing a beading conversion kit?
The BCK-002 beading conversion kit can be added to any Infinity roundover bit to convert it to a beading bit. The bead is a very traditional profile that has a 1/16" fillet, or step, on either side of a quarter-round radius, as shown in the photo below.

The Infinity beading conversion kit can be added to any Infinity roundover router bit from 3/16"-radius up to 3/4"-radius.

Installing the beading conversion kit is easy: There's only a screw, a bearing, and a dust shield to deal with. The dust shield is a funny-looking washer with a raised center portion (see below). This washer keeps dust from being compacted into the bearing which can reduce its lifespan. We use shielded bearings on our bearing-guided router bits but a dust shield adds another layer of protection against dust.

To install the conversion kit, remove the screw that holds the bearing onto the bit and then remove the bearing and dust shield. Install the 3/8"-diameter bearing that comes in the kit and install the screw. That's it. Don't overtighten the screw — just snug it up. The rotation of the router bit will help tighten the screw.
Converting the roundover bit back to its standard configuration is just as easy. Simply reverse the steps, making sure that when you reinstall the dust shield the raised center portion faces the bearing. This provides clearance for the bearing's outer race to spin freely.

While the BCK-002 Beading Conversion Kit is named for its ability to convert roundover bits into beading bits. it can also be used on ogee router bits to add more detail to the profile, as you can see in the photo above.
The bearing conversion kit is an inexpensive way to get more life and usefulness out of your investment in edge-profiling router bits.