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Triton's Spindle Sander Makes Quick Work Of Final Shaping / Smoothing

Infinity Cutting Tools |

Triton Osillating Spindle Sander TSPS450 The Triton Oscillating Spindle Sander is perfect for creating and smoothing curves big and small.

Almost every project from jewelry boxes to rocking chairs have curves in them.  The curve could be as simple as a handmade pull or as complex as a rippling pie crust edge. Cutting those curves is not that difficult. Simply grab a jigsaw or turn on the bandsaw and you can cut any shape you wish. The only drawback is that the tools we use to cut curves aren't always great at leaving a smooth surface ready for final sanding. Once the shape is roughed out there is still work to be done. This is where the Triton Oscillating Spindle Sander really shines.First the Triton sander gives you the ability to choose between different sized sanding Sleeves Including 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/2", 2" and 3" making it easy to match the diameter of the drum to the curve being sanded no matter how gentle or tight the curve may be. This makes it much easier to work to a line and maintain accuracy. For this roughing work I find 80 Grit Sanding sleeves to be the way to go. For finer work and final sanding the 150 Grit Sanding Sleeves and 240 Grit Sanding Sleeves give this machine a ton of versatility.

Comes with five sizes of sanding drums Six different sized sanding drums from 1/2" to 3" diameter allow you to match the tool to the curves making it easy to maintain clean sharp details.

What makes an oscillating sander work so well is the combination of the spinning and up/down (oscillating) movement. This combination helps to keep the sanding drum from clogging up with dust and also creates a truly random scratch pattern helping the sander remove material more quickly while also generating less heat and less chance of burning the workpiece. The Triton has a powerful 110v, 450w / 3.5amp motor that powers the drum at 2000 rpm and 58 OPM. The tabletop on the sander is cast iron adding vibration dampening weight and providing a steady platform from which to work. The table also measures a generous 11-1/2" by 14-1/2" giving plenty of support for both big and small projects without getting in the way.

Changin drums is easy Changing between different-sized sanding drums or from one grit to the next is easy. Simply use the included wrench to loosen the nut on the top of the spindle remove the washer, sanding sleeve and drum. Reinstall the new configuration and tighten the nut and you are back to sanding.

Once the curves are cleaned up and shaped it is quick and easy to change grits for a final sanding simply loosen the nut on the top of the spindle, slide the old sanding sleeve off and replace with the new sleeve, tighten the nut back down and all is set. The sanding sleeves for the Triton Spindle Sander Are available in 80 grit, 150 grit and 240grit. Perfect for bringing any project from rough shaping to a final finish. There is even a place around the base of the sander to store the included wrench, all of the sanding drums and the reducing rings to insure that everything stays organized and ready for use.

Includes a dust collection port The 1-1/2" dust port on the Triton Oscillating Spindle Sander does a great job of collecting almost all of the dust created when creating and fine tuning those curves when connected to your favorite dust extractor.

One of my personal favorite features of the Triton is the dust collection. Sanding dust is no fun to clean up and is not the best thing to be breathing in. Triton has outfitted this sander with a dust collection port that is easily connected to a shop vac or dust extractor. With the vac installed and running very little dust escapes the sanders grasp not to mention the drum is much less likely to clog with buildup.

If you are like me and love to add curved details to your projects but hate to sand and smooth them by hand, the Triton Oscillating Spindle Sander will make a great addition to your shop and save you a bunch of time and frustration.

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