Titebond Original Wood Glue: Time Tested - Grandpa Approved
This is your old-old man's answer to everyday woodworking projects. The original Titebond wood glue was designed to cover a wide range of woodworking needs and is a great chocie for many general woodworking projects such as picture framing, box making, and even some lamination projects. This Jack-of-all-trades is also ideal for porous surfaces, such hardboard, particleboard - even leather and cloth. It tends to dry the hardest of its successor formulations, Titebond II and III, and is a water-based glue, so you're able to clean up squeeze out with just a wet rag. Titebond Original also has a long shelf life, is quick setting with a strong initial tack, and is not affected by finishes. So even though this may have been your gradndaddy's woodglue, you'll still find it every bit as useful as he did.
Features Include:
- The perfect general purpose wood glue
- Quick setting, hard drying with a forgiving open time
- Long shelf life
- Water-based formulation allows you clean up squeeze out with a wet rag
Uses in your shop:
- The workhorse for most general woodworking needs
- Perfect for projects that will stay inside and away from moisture