The biggest improvement you can make to your handheld router is to add a high-quality baseplate. The M-Power CRB7 Router Base Package increases the stability of the router, adds accuracy, and adds versatility to your router for a variety of precision routing tasks. You can switch from one operation to another easily. Plus, you can completely remove the CRB7 from one router and put it on another in short order. (For complete list of compatible routers, check the Documents tab on the M-Power CRB7 product page or click here). The M-Power CRB7 router base is a perfect choice because it fits a wide range of routers. Lets take a quick look at just a few of the things you can do when you add a CRB7 package to your router.
First of all the CRB7 is very easy to install. It includes two pairs of guide rods to attach to your router. Each pair of rods is a different diameter to so that one pair is sure to fit the guide rod holes in the router's base.

An added advantage to having these extra rods is that they can be connected together and used as an arm for routing circles to about 50" in diameter. This method of mounting the router makes it easy to switch the CRB7 from one router to another with minimal hassle.

The newest addition to the CRB7 package is the M-Power MHLF Mortise, Hinge & Lock Accessory. MHLF stands for "mortise, hinge, & lock fence." It includes a pair of fences that are used individually or in tandem. This makes the MHLF the perfect tool for routing on narrow edges, such as cutting hinge mortises in the edges of door frames, grooves, or mortises for mortise-and-tenon joinery. One of the fences is fixed while the other can be precisely positioned with the micro-adjust knob.

Another item included in the complete package is the M-Power Trim Jig For CBR7 Router Base Plate (Item 100-098). The function of this jig is that it allows flush-trimming of things like plugs, dowels, and edge banding. The trim jig and CRB7 help keep the weight of the router on the workpiece, making the router less likely to rock or tip. It also includes a guide bearing to make trimming edge banding a snap.

Another item included in the complete package is the M-Power Trim Jig For CBR7 Router Base Plate (Item 100-098). The function of this jig is that it allows flush-trimming of things like plugs, dowels, and edge banding. The trim jig and CRB7 help keep the weight of the router on the workpiece, making the router less likely to rock or tip. It also includes a guide bearing to make trimming edge banding a snap.