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SKU: 101-082  |  MPN: 48240

Avellanador Snappy de 82 grados


Las cabezas de los tornillos estándar tienen un bisel de 82°. Con este avellanador podrá hacer coincidir el bisel exacto de la cabeza del tornillo para que quede al ras de la pieza de trabajo. Está endurecido para una vida útil extralarga y puede usarlo en metal, plástico o madera.

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Tom F. Verified Customer   

Had purchased the non XL dadonator about one and a half years ago. The XL wasn't listed on the site. Purchased because it was Saw Stop compatible. It is not, but since I waited over a year to start the project I purchased it for. There was no help from Infinity Support. They did tell me they are using the dadonator on a Saw Stop for the last 3-4 years. But had no help from support to back the product. I tend to think that this has been a problem for Saw Stop owners for a while. Especially since Infinity came out with a new dadonator XL to address the issue. Your products are impressive. Your support is not.

Customer Service
1 / 5
Isaac Verified Customer   

I was hoping to buy tools made in America, but that does not seem to be the case.

Ari D. Verified Customer   

Product as described. Arrived auickly

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