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Tope giratorio Infinity Tools para DPF-200


El accesorio perfecto para nuestra guía para taladro de columna DPF-200

Nuestro tope abatible para taladro de columna se bloquea firmemente en el canal superior de la guía, pero se mueve fácilmente a cualquier posición en la guía. Levante el tope para que no interfiera, pero bájelo rápidamente a su lugar para realizar cortes de longitud repetida (¡desde cualquier lado!). Una excelente incorporación a su mesa de taladro de columna.

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Isaac Verified Customer   

I was hoping to buy tools made in America, but that does not seem to be the case.

Ari D. Verified Customer   

Product as described. Arrived auickly

Gerald M. Verified Customer   

Emails take to long and not personal.

Reply from

Thanks for the feedback, Gerald. Our team puts a lot of effort into serving and supporting our customers to the best of our ability. Looks like you placed your order with an expedited shipping service 2-5 business days and you received it 4 days later on time and within the time frame for the shipping service level you selected. We do offer faster options which are listed at checkout. Also we did sent you an incorrect flip stop, which we apologize for, but we did ship you the correct part less than 24hrs. from you contacting us. If you are having a problem or just have additional questions please reach out our office hours are Monday – Friday, between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm ET. Just give us a call or send us an email to open a support ticket, and we’ll be happy to help!
877-872-2487 |

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