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Deal of the Month

20% Off Most Ogee Router Bits

SKU: 51-501B.DR

Broca para fresadora de cuenco y bandeja con vástago de 1/2" y cojinete de Infinity Tools


Diámetro de corte
Overall Length

Compre 3 o más brocas para enrutador y reciba un 15 % de descuento cada una.
El descuento se aplica automáticamente en el carrito.

Estas brocas para fresadora de cuencos y bandejas son perfectas para fresar cuencos, bandejas, cajas u otros artículos especiales. Con un ángulo de corte agresivo y puntas de carburo extra gruesas, estas brocas para fresadora de cuencos y bandejas son verdaderas herramientas de trabajo en el taller. Aumente la versatilidad de su broca para fresadora de cuencos y bandejas agregando un kit de cojinetes Infinity para facilitar el trabajo de corte de patrones.


  • Diámetro del cojinete 3/4" | Diámetro del cortador 3/4" | Altura del cortador 5/8" | Radio del cortador 1/4"


  • Diámetro del cojinete 1-1/4" | Diámetro del cortador 1-1/4" | Altura del cortador 5/8" | Radio del cortador 1/4"

Deep Reach Router Bit Solves "Deep" Issues

Our standard bowl and tray bit is great for routing out a shallow tray up to 7/8” deep, but if you want a deeper tray your “go-to” option has been a collet extension.

Collet extensions help, but are wider than the bearing on the bit, so you still can’t get to a truly deeper depth.

Infinity is proud to introduce our new Deep Reach bowl and tray making bit. It helps you overcome the shouldering issue on deeper cuts, where the collet extension has a larger diameter than your router bit.  That size difference limits your possible depth of cut.   With our Deep Reach bit, you can now mill deeper than ever before without the need for a collet extension!

This bit is 3-51/64 in overall length, and is meant as a secondary bit, used after you’ve defined your shape with the standard-length bit. Start by milling your tray as usual, using our standard 51-501B bit.

Once you reach that depth limit (again, about 7/8”), you’ll swap for the Deep Reach variant.

You’ll be able to continue hollowing out your shape and achieve a recess up to about 1-½" deep. 

The bit comes ready to go with bearings, so you can easily follow the side walls that you just created. 

This bit is great for deeper candy bowls and holiday trays, and pairs well with our circle cutting templates and brass template guide kit.

Add our deep reach bowl and tray bit to your shop for those hard-to-reach areas, today.

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